
‘Human Psychology and Communication Training’ was held at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

‘Human Psychology and Communication Training’ was held by Bartın University Guidance and Psychological Counselling Department faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem ŞENER for academic and administrative staff at Bartın University Faculty of Health Sciences. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem Şener emphasized the importance of the communication cycle in training and discussed the effects of our roles in daily life and business life on communication. Speaking about obstacles such as personal judgments, culture, past experiences, roles, emotions, perceptions, etc., encountered in communication between colleagues and students in working life, Şener mentioned techniques such as you language-me language, Johari window, effective listening, and transactional analysis that can be applied especially in working life. After the pleasant and instructive presentation of our teacher, the training was concluded with questions and answers.

  • Peer Mentoring Promotion Event was Organised for the Nursing Department Students of our Faculty

  • Orientation Trainings for First-Year Students of Our Faculty for the 2024-2025 Academic Year Held.

  • An Academic General Assembly Meeting of our Faculty was held on September 23, 2024

  • Evidence Collection Training in Quality Processes Conducted

  • The invention of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hilal UYSAL, faculty member of the Nursing Department of our faculty, has been patented.

  • Decision Report Form Training was held in our faculty within the scope of Quality Processes.

  • ‘Human Psychology and Communication Training’ was held at the Faculty of Health Sciences.

  • Our Faculty Staff Gathered for the Holiday Celebration.

  • On June 13, 2024, the Academic General Assembly Meeting was held at our Faculty.

  • A Meeting Was Held with Our Faculty's Assistant Professors